Exfoliating cream and mask with camel hump is a powerful beauty tool that can help to rejuvenate and revitalize your skin. Kozmetika vyrobená z ťavieho hrbu je čoraz obľúbenejšia, vrátane exfoliačných krémov a masiek. Tieto produkty obsahujú prírodné zložky, ktoré dokážu pokožku jemne exfoliovať, odstrániť odumreté kožné bunky a podporiť obnovu buniek.
Benefits Exfoliating cream and camel hump mask:
1-Removes dead skin cells.
2-Unclogs pores.
3-Stimulates cell renewal.
4-Increases blood circulation.
5-Helps with skin texture.
6-Enhances skincare product absorption.
7-Can help with hyperpigmentation:.
8-Promotes collagen production.
9-Can help with ingrown hairs.
10-Provides a relaxing skincare ritual.
How to use:
1-Start with a clean face
2-Apply a small amount of exfoliating cream
3-Massage gently
4-Rinse off with lukewarm water
5-Pat dry and follow up with moisturizer
Main ingredients:
Camel’s Hump Oil
Argan Oil
Coconut oil
Almond oil
–>If you are interested in samples to assure you of the quality and effectiveness of our products, you can buy them in our shop here:
Nila, Coffee and red clay
Tanya Ivanova –
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